£0 remaining for a toddler bed, mattress and protector
S is adjusting to life as a full-time single dad to his three year old. Dad relies on benefits and is struggling to make ends meet after his partner left the family home. He has had to make some significant lifestyle changes as he no longer has any spare income after paying his bills, food and fuel. His child needs a new bed, but S has no spare income for large items. S is determined to keep life as normal as possible for his child since their mum left. Can you help to provide them with a safe and comfortable place to sleep?
J, who has resided with us at Homes of Hope for eighteen months, has completed his support plan successfully. Coming from addiction and brokenness, J has turned his life around, is now drug free and enjoys being a hands on dad. He had restored his relationship with his ex in order to effectively co parent. he next step is independence, where he can thrive with his son. J has been offered a property to enable him to move forward and continue in his progress and journey of freedom, but he needs help with the rent.
This single mum is caring for her son. The family had to quickly flee from their home with nothing, due to threats of violence. Mum is currently not working, but is doing all she can to find work so she can build her life back together. The family is struggling financially. Mum is in desperate need of a washing machine as she currently has to walk a long way to the laundrette and she has some health issues. Please could you help this family? Thank you.
The single mother of two was referred to us by a local primary school that is working with the family. Over the last few months, the mother has been experiencing issues due to disability and a low income. The school were concerned that they had not seen mum for some time, and found out this was due to her disability scooter battery no longer working. Mum has been housebound for four weeks due to this and is unable to afford a replacement. This support would help her get back out and be a massive help.