£100 remaining for a vacuum cleaner
A lady in Hull is in need of help replacing her vacuum cleaner that has recently broken. She is living on a low income and in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance due to osteoarthritis in her hands. This lady has cats and so a new vacuum cleaner would help her to manage keeping her property free from the majority of cat hairs.
A and her family have recently been granted refugee status. After moving into private rented housing, following their eviction from Home Office supported accommodation, they are now trying to build a stable life. As their only source of income is Universal Credit, they urgently need your generous support to afford a much-needed washing machine.
We are supporting a single dad of two boys who is struggling to manage emotionally and financially. He has given up work to prioritise the boys, and now they are in school, his confidence has taken a hit. He has a befriender volunteer and they have identified between them that it would be really valuable to go to the gym together to help rebuild his confidence and support his mental health. We want to get dad a six month membership to help with this.
S, a refugee who is suffering mentally due to being a victim of domestic violence, has now moved into a private rented accommodation. She is currently receiving Universal Credit and so has very limited funds. S is in need of your generosity to get a fridge freezer.