£160 remaining for a car exhaust
A is a single man living in shared accommodation who has a number of health conditions including myelofibrosis, gout, anxiety and depression. He works ten hours a week, but his health means he is unable to work more. A receives Universal Credit and Housing benefit, but his income does not cover outgoings and he is reliant upon community larders. His car exhaust needs replacing. Due to health conditions, A is reliant upon his car for getting around, but is unable to cover the full cost.
D is an asylum seeker from Nigeria who has been disabled since childhood due to issues with the bones in her hip. She currently uses a wheelchair or walker to mobilise. In Nigeria, D was the victim of discrimination and was unable to access the education and medical care she required. She was also unable to work which led to her having mental health issues. D has not got adequate clothing or footwear (which is very important in her case) for a British winter. We would like to buy them for her.
S is an asylum seeker from Pakistan who is in the UK with his wife and three children under the age of six. They fled Pakistan because their lives were in danger due to a dispute, partly as a result of their decision to marry one another rather than agreeing to arranged marriages. S's mother-in-law and father-in-law were murdered and the family was threatened. None of the family has adequate clothing or shoes for a British winter and we would like to provide them.
This lady lives on her own, as both her children have grown up and left home. She works as a carer on part-time hours, and was successful in applying for a local housing association flat last year. Due to her low income, this lady has been unable to afford any carpets and has either lino or bare floorboards throughout. £200 will enable her to purchase carpets or rugs for her bedroom.