£200 remaining for a fridge freezer
A, his wife and two children have recently moved to a new property and have no white goods. This is making things very difficult, as they have two children with additional needs. A works, but has a zero hours contract, so work is variable. He has moved to this property with cheaper rent, but it needs work and flooring coverings too, so he is doing his best. We would like to support them with a fridge freezer and would appreciate your support to do this.
S, a forty six year old single mother, who is a survivor of domestic abuse, has multiple medical problems, physical disabilities and some mental health difficulties. She is the primary carer for her elderly mother. S is dependent on benefits and has been struggling to keep up with essentials, due to the cost of living. Her sofa is falling apart and she has no comfortable place to sit. A donation will help S to purchase a replacement.
M, who is single and living in social housing, has a job, but her hours vary, meaning that she finds it difficult to manage financially and has some debts which we are helping her with. M, who receives some Universal Credit, has health problems and is applying for disability benefits. Her washing machine has broken and she's having to spend a lot at the launderette. It would really help M to have her own washing machine.
A, his wife and two children have recently moved to a new property and have no white goods which is making things very difficult as they have two children, both with additional needs. A works, but has a zero hours contract so work is variable. He has moved to this property with cheaper rent, but it needs work and flooring coverings too so he is doing his best. We would like to support them with a cooker and would appreciate your support to do this.