£0 remaining for a fridge freezer
K is a single lady who currently has her grandchildren living with her, aged ten and fifteen. She has a number of health conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, rheumatism and arthritis. Her ten year old grandson also has autism. The fridge freezer has broken and K is unable to afford a new one, which is needed in order to be able to feed the family properly. We are asking for support to fund a fridge freezer for this family.
D, who has mental health issues, and is supported by our church pantry, was a victim of domestic abuse and was in a women's refuge. She in now living in a flat, but has no cooker. D is using a microwave, but would really appreciate a gas cooker. Please can you help her?
S is a single parent with two school aged children who is reliant on benefits. Her washing machine has broken and she is using a launderette, but this is too expensive. Your support would enable S to purchase a new washing machine.
D, a single man who has been a victim of crime, has been placed into temporary accommodation with six people where there is very little furniture. He has suffered with his mental health for ten years and this situation is not helping. Some small items will help with his living and health situation. We are seeking support for a table and chairs.