July Prayer Bulletin

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4

I hope this bulletin finds you well, and that you're enjoying the sunshine when it's out! We have had a busy couple of weeks as a charity with lots to pray for over the next month.

Firstly, alongside over 200 charities, in the run up to the General Election, we have signed an open letter to ask the main political parties to Guarantee the Essentials for those who need it most. The letter reminded the main political leaders to put poverty on the agenda. You can read more about why we signed this letter, and what the letter addressed, on our website: https://www.acts435.org.uk/news/guarantee-the-essentials. Please pray that this letter is not only received, but also that it would prompt and remind the political parties to consider the issues surrounding poverty that many are facing in the UK. 

Firstly this month we are very thankful to God for:

The positive time we had at some of the regional Christians Against Poverty conferences over the last couple of weeks. During the sessions, those telling stories of people helped through CAP, also explained how they were able to help the individuals with specific needs through Acts 435. You can view one of these stories on our social media pages. We're very thankful for our friendship with CAP, which enables us to help more individuals in need. 

A connection with charity 4 in 10, in London, that partners with different charities and organisations to alleviate poverty. We're attending their online coffee morning to tell more of their partners about our work. 

The answered prayer from last month's bulletin, as we contacted individual donors about returned funds, following the news that the Debt Relief Order fee was abolished in England and Wales. We have had such a positive response from donors who generally wish to reallocate the funds to other needs on our website. 

The 464 individuals and families who have been helped in May by Acts 435 Advocates and donors, with £72,260 distributed to those who need it most. 

Please join us in praying for:

A new connection with Proximity, who looks to resource urban churches. Pray that we can effectively connect with them to resource many churches who are seeing the specific needs of those in their community. 

Our continued partnership with the Warm Welcome Campaign. Please pray that we can utilise our skills and networks to further their new five year strategy and continue to see spaces opening all year round to provide a warm welcome to their communities. 

The autumn, when we're looking to seek help with refreshing our online presence. Please pray for ongoing conversations, as we seek to find out what is the right direction for the charity. 

As always, thank you for your prayers for these individuals, our Advocates and for Acts 435 as we seek to do more for those in need in the UK.

Best wishes,