The Welcome Cafe, York

We recently visited the Welcome Cafe based in City Church, York. The cafe has been operating for around 8 years, and was first inspired by a prayer meeting at the church which focused on those seeking refuge from Syria, and who were finding their home in York.

York has received refugees from other nations, as well as Syria, in the last few years, such as those from Afghanistan and Ukraine. The church wanted to support these individuals, and since the initial prayer meeting the church has hosted a space for those from different nations to meet, share food and find help and advice.

Rob Ainsworth (left), who leads the cafe project, has a fantastic passion for helping and supporting individuals who are seeking asylum or refuge, and is the local Acts 435 Advocate who posts requests on behalf of those that access the cafe. He has also begun a pop-up restaurant and catering business, serving Syrian cuisine, which enables those new to the city to use their skills and gain employment.

It is evident that much thought goes into The Welcome Cafe. They serve a two course meal, and carefully plan the menu to make sure it will appeal to everyone accessing the cafe. As people eat there is much chatter, and it's wonderful to see the volunteers building relationships with individuals, but also those from different nations feeling so welcome and accepting of each other within the space.

As well as the cafe itself there are more tables laid out in the main church space, which gives opportunity for different charities and organisations, who are able to help with the various needs that refugees might have. Alongside their work they're able to ask Rob to post requests for help onto the Acts 435 website. We spoke to Emma, who leads the Refugee Resettlement Scheme at York City Council. She was so grateful to have access to Acts 435, as they often have to set up homes for those seeking refuge, and while they're able to source a lot of furniture from second hand shops, there are many other items that they normally can't find funding for, such as microwaves, pressure cookers and bikes.

We met a young man who has recently settled in York, and had begun an English course. He was unable to afford the bus fare to access the course, so Acts 435 donors gave towards a bike, which would enable him to travel for free. Rob explained that he has a relationship with the local secondhand bike shop, who enable him to pay for the bike in advance, allowing the individuals to go and spend their time choosing and finding the right bike in their own time, with dignity.

Emma pointed out many others who have been helped with gifts through Acts 435, including a mum and daughter from Syria who had arrived in York with one suitcase of clothes between them, and none of them suitable for the December weather that greeted them. Acts 435 donors were able to support them with warm clothing and coats.

We were thankful to be able to visit this wonderful space, which is doing such valuable work in welcoming refugees, but also providing great support and advice to help them settle in York. Acts 435 clearly plays a vital role in their work and ministry, and Rob said to us:

"I just wanted to say thank you for all the help that Acts 435 has provided for those that I have referred to you recently. We have been running the Welcome Cafe at City Church for 18 months in its current form now, regularly welcoming in 60 refugees from Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine each time we open, many of whom have recently arrived in York. The Acts 435 gifts have made a big difference in terms of helping our refugee friends to settle in the city; especially funds for bikes to access work and English lessons have been particularly helpful."