Increasing the limit for requests for help
You may have noticed that the monetary limit for requests for help has increased on our website, which means that our local partners can now post requests up to the upper limit of £200 (instead of the previous £150). This is a decision we have recently made, with our Trustees, to make sure that we can continue to help individuals with the items that they need most.
With the rising cost of living in the UK we have been made aware that it is becoming increasingly difficult for our Advocates, and their recipients, to find larger items within the previous limit of £150.
Therefore, we have made the decision to increase the limit for requests to £200. However, as with our previous limit on requests, we ask our Advocates to only use this upper limit where absolutely necessary for specific larger items, such as cookers, washing machines and fridge freezers.

Although we have increased the upper limit for each request, one household is still able to have up to three requests. This means that we can enable our donors to help individuals and families in a crisis, but highlights that we're not an on-going financial support.
Alongside the guidelines around the upper limit we also have in place other guidelines on some items, and have increased or stipulated these where we feel necessary. We have placed reasonable limits for some specific items, such as £100 for a mobile phone or £75 for a microwave.
How do we keep track of these limits?
With the launch of our new website and back-end systems in June 2022, we were able to integrate some new processes. One of these processes is that each request posted by our local partners gets read by our staff team before it goes live onto the website. This enables us to question and, where needed, amend the amount or request. This process helps us to keep the system fair for every applicant, making sure all our guidelines are adhered to.
As we increase the limit on each request we're very thankful to all our donors, each giving what they can; whether meeting a need in full or giving towards a request. In 2022 the most popular amount donated was £50, which on its own wouldn't be sufficient to meet in full one of the requests on our website. That's what we love about Acts 435 - it is as people donate, alongside others, to the same need, that they can together support an individual in crisis. We are trusting that in spite of the cost of living crisis continuing to impact so many, our donors will still step up with us in generosity to continue to meet the needs of those seeking our help, even as we increase the maximum limit of our requests.
Give to an urgent need today!
The average time for a need to be fully funded is currently 2 days
£200 needed for a washing machine
H, a Universal Credit recipient, urgently needs a washing machine. Without it, he struggles with laundry, impacting his home's cleanliness and organisation. A washing machine would simplify his daily chores, saving time and energy while fostering a more stable and comfortable living environment. Your support in providing this essential appliance would greatly enhance H's quality of life, helping him maintain an organised and stress-free home.
£200 needed for supplying and fitting a living room carpet
C and her husband are grandparents who have recently received full custody of their three grandchildren and one great grandchild. C suffer with her physical health and her husband has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Their home conditions have deteriorated considerably and they are in desperate need of a living room carpet, due to the house being rat infested. C and her husband are on very low income and struggling with debts. Please can you help?
£200 needed for a washing machine and microwave
A, who is twenty one and a client of the Sue Lambert Trust, recently had to flee from domestic violence and was advised to leave her job at the same time, due to safeguarding concerns and poor mental health. She has since been rehoused and needs a washing machine and microwave as she was unable to take these items with her. A is experiencing debt issues, due to the sudden change in circumstances, and has no funds to purchase these items herself. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
£200 needed for a double mattress and bedding
M, who had a difficult time after losing his job and then his accommodation, was initially sofa surfing and then rough sleeping. He has now been given accommodation by the Lewisham Procurement Team and is trying hard to get back on his feet, and currently job hunting. M's current low income means he cannot afford to buy essential items. He particularly needs to get a mattress and bedding which would improve his sleeping and help him to get into a better day/night routine.
£200 needed for carpet fitting
D, who depends on Universal Credit, is struggling with the lack of carpeting in his home. The bare floors make his living space colder and create an uncomfortable environment. A carpet would provide much-needed warmth, comfort and a safer surface for daily activities. Your support in helping with the fitting costs to address this need would significantly improve D's living conditions and overall wellbeing.
£200 needed for a washing machine
J, who has been homeless and is moving into a new property of her own, has very few possessions and the flat is unfurnished. Due to her low income, she can't afford to buy much. Your support to buy a washing machine would mean that J can keep her limited clothes and bedding clean without costly and time-consuming trips to the launderette, making her daily life easier and helping her to save more quickly towards other items she needs.
£200 needed for a fridge freezer
M, who had a difficult time after losing his job and then his accommodation, was initially sofa surfing and then rough sleeping. He has now been given accommodation by the Lewisham Procurement Team and is trying hard to get back on his feet, and is currently job hunting. M's current low income means he struggles to afford to eat well and has used our food bank. He particularly needs to get a fridge freezer which would enable him to shop more economically and eat more healthily.
£200 needed for a washing machine
Following the death of their father, X has been moved and is now living on their own in a largely unfurnished flat. X is keen to learn how to cope on their own by attending courses such as cookery classes and life skill classes. Due to their physical disabilities, they need to wash clothes on a regular basis. This is difficult and expensive, as they struggle with carrying even small loads of washing on the bus to the launderette. A washing machine would be such a blessing and encouragement.
£200 needed for an electric cooker
A, who is in receipt of state Pension, has multiple health issues including type one diabetes, angina and recent surgery, all resulting in severely limited mobility. Now housebound, he receives support from a professional home help and also his once estranged wife who assists by cooking. The fact that A's cooker no longer works is a set back as it is fundamental to him being able to eat regularly and healthily, which is essential for the optimum management of his diabetes.