£0 remaining for a bed and mattress
P, who suffers from a physical disability which leaves her housebound, currently sleeps on her sofa as she doesn't have a bed. This is extremely uncomfortable for the client, as she already suffers with chronic pain and spinal issues, but she has no other choice. P's mental health has declined as she is not able to relax and have a comfortable night’s sleep. She is waiting for her Personal Independence Payment claim to be reviewed. Once P's bills are paid, she has very little income and no family to help. Please can you help her to replace her bed and mattress?
This couple from Hull, who are living off Universal Credit, are expecting a baby, but their washing machine has broken and they cannot afford to replace it. It would make a huge difference to their daily living, and for when baby arrives, if they could have their own washing machine in the house.
J is a single mum in her thirties. After living in a hostel for the past year, she has finally been housed. Unfortunately, the property isn't furnished and mum is without any white goods. She has been buying pre-packaged foods and it is costing her a lot of money. J is worried that her living conditions will effect her child's health and his development. Mum is in her six week wait period for Universal Credit and is using her advance to pay for the basics. Please can you help her to buy a cooker?
Q fled domestic abuse with her two children and has been 'sofa surfing' at her mum's house. She has now secured a tenancy of her own, but it is unfurnished. Q has used what little money she has to purchase a few items of furniture and white goods, but she can't afford a fridge freezer. Your support to buy a fridge freezer would mean that she could buy and keep food fresh, and feed her family more healthily and affordably.