£0 remaining for a dual air fryer
K, who has recently moved into his first home after being homeless, has learning needs and is also partly deaf. He understands more about using an air fryer than an oven, and it would be a huge help to get K a dual air fryer to make him more independent.
This lady is really struggling with her heating costs. She has a small child with a heart problem who needs to be kept warm. They have a pre-payment meter which takes £25 to top-up every few days. Her eldest child has recently been diagnosed with severe juvenile macular degeneration and her husband can't work, due to ill health, so mum carries quite a burden, but is always cheerful. Some help with the heating bills would give her a much needed and deserved break from her worries.
This lady, who came to our country as a refuge, attends our Family Hub and has very little income. She has two daughters and is expecting another baby in a few weeks time. Her second child has only just turned two and still needs to be in a pushchair for longer trips to the shops etc. Therefore, mum really needs a double buggy to enable her to take the children out.