£0 remaining for a food voucher
Our client is a young person who has recently been granted status. As he will need to wait a few weeks to receive Universal Credit, he needs help affording food until then. £100 would help him tremendously with this, as we would be able to provide him with a voucher for food shopping.
AA, a fifty six year old widow from Iran, is an asylum seeker living in a hotel with her three children. She left Iran due to family problems after her husband died. In the hotel they depend on food and an allowance that is grossly inadequate. Mum needs your help to buy food and clothes. Please would you help her? Your donation will will make a difference to her life and family.
I am supporting a wonderful woman who is a refugee and has two children. She is working hard to gain skills to hopefully be able to go into employment. Mum needs a vacuum and a bed for her new home. These items would make life much more comfortable for her and her family.
G, her husband and two young children, the youngest being just six months old, live in privately rented accommodation. They have leave to remain in UK, but with no resource to public funds, they are experiencing financial difficulties and struggling to cover rent, bills, and basic necessities. G is currently unemployed, and her husband is employed part-time. They were referred to our food bank by the local refugee and migrant advice centre for food and general advice. They particularly need £200 for a mattress and bedding.