£0 remaining for a sofa and a chair
T has had the most horrible start to the year; his living room ceiling has collapsed, due to a burst pipe, and the damage has ruined his chair and sofa. Sadly, he could not afford home insurance and has no money left out of his benefits to replace these items. The saddest part of this is that it was the room his mum always used and, since she passed away, it has become a shrine to her. T is not coping well with the damage, and his mental health is suffering. Please could you help him replace his sofa and chair?
This single mum is caring for her son. The family had to quickly flee from their home with nothing, due to threats of violence. Mum is currently not working, but is doing all she can to find work so she can build her life back together. The family is struggling financially. Mum is in desperate need of a washing machine as she currently has to walk a long way to the laundrette and she has some health issues. Please could you help this family? Thank you.
This single mum, who is caring for her three children, is on maternity leave and, due to her visa status, has very little income. She had been donated a tumble dryer when the children were born, but it no longer works and is too expensive to run. Mum lives in a small house with not much space and so a heated airer would really help with the amount of laundry three children generate. The family cannot afford to have the heating on too much so laundry takes a long time to dry. Please could you help?
Our local primary school have identified a new family that has been given a home with no furniture. They have two young children and everyone is sleeping on the floor. The school is able to find beds for the family and have been able to give toys, books and colouring pens to the children. The family, who have been given indefinite leave to remain, need a sofa a dining table to make the house to feel like a home. They currently do not have access to funding and are unable to apply for work.