£0 remaining for winter clothing, a school uniform, PE kit and school bag
AI, an asylum seeker mother who lives in a hotel with her three children, fled from Pakistan because of kidnapping threats to her children, due to violent family conflict. She struggles financially, receiving £8 weekly for each member of the family to buy food and clothing (the food provided by the hotel is unsuitable). AI is proud that her daughter was accepted by Westminster Academy, but buying a uniform, a PE kit and a school bag, plus some winter clothing, has been a source of sleepless nights. Please can you help to change her life?
V, who lost his ID and any other documentation in a fire a few years ago, is currently trying to obtain settled status, despite the loss of documentation, and is working with a solicitor to do so. However, his phone recently stopped working and he has no other means to stay in contact with his solicitor. V is rough sleeping and requires medical attention. He needs an £80 voucher for a new phone and a £20 top-up Oyster card for travel expenses to meet his solicitor.
Our client is a young person who has recently been granted status. As he will need to wait a few weeks to receive Universal Credit, he needs help affording food until then. £100 would help him tremendously with this, as we would be able to provide him with a voucher for food shopping.
A is a fifty five year old woman from Ethiopia who has mobility issues. She is looking for stable housing and living with a volunteer host while she has no other options. A is a refugee and was granted status in the UK last year and relies on her church and community groups for support. A enjoys sewing and usually attends a class once a week, but due to her college timetable, she can't attend anymore. This support would be used to buy a sewing machine so she can enjoy her favourite hobby.