£0 remaining for a washing machine
R lives alone and has not been able to work for over a year due to mental health problems. She suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has frequent panic attacks. She receives Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments and just about manages to cover her general spending, but has little left over for anything else. Her washing machine has broken down and there is no way she can afford to replace it herself. She would really appreciate your help.
This male, who has moved into his own unfurnished flat after a time in supported accommodation, is a refugee who has a limited budget. Getting his own accommodation is really exciting for him, but without a washing machine, he will find it hard. Please can you help?
This family, who are from Nigeria, with four children aged sixteen, fourteen, twelve and five, moved into a damp, somewhat poorly equipped rented house. It only had a small fridge with no freezer. With such limited cold storage, the family has found it challenging not being able to buy fresh or frozen produce in bulk Please can you help us to help this family with a fridge freezer so they can budget better and store food for longer?
J is a lady who is living alone. Her fridge freezer is currently broken, intermittently turning on and off. She cannot store food at the moment, which is costing more, as food often has to thrown away due to being left unrefrigerated. J is currently on long-term sickness benefits with very little spare money to buy a fridge freezer herself. She is without family support and her mental health his deteriorating as she has no way to fund the item herself.