£0 remaining for a food voucher and utilities
J, who lives on her own and receives benefits, is subject to the benefit cap, due to high rent. She has managed to maintain her rent, but it leaves her with very little to live on and she has to use food banks for support. J has multiple health problems and is currently not putting her heating on as she can't afford to top-up, so is very cold. She isn't able to have a washing machine so has extra costs for this as well. Your support to assist her with a food voucher and heating would be really helpful to her.
M, a foodbank client, is depressed and needs help to buy essential items for his flat. A lot of items have fallen into disrepair and cannot be cleaned or repaired. He is recently unemployed and is in a new flat. We are raising to get M second-hand items including bedding, a microwave, pots and pans, cutlery and crockery.
M has been staying in our night shelter and engaging really well with our services. To be able to help move him into more stable accommodation, there are a few things we need to get in place including Universal Credit, a bank account and access to emails to proves status etc. M's old phone was simple and barely working and we need one which help him access all these different things. Then, hopefully, we can move him into more permanent accommodation.
I am supporting a wonderful woman who has just been moved into temporary accommodation and is sharing with men who have a background of substance abuse. This woman needs some basic items to make herself more comfortable including bedding, a toaster and kettle, and an air fryer so she does not have to use the kitchen too much, and food. This woman really needs a winter coat in this cold weather. She has faced many hardships including homelessness, domestic abuse and mental health issues.