£0 remaining for a gas top-up, food, children's shoes and winter coats
R, who is thirty nine year of age, has moved to Manchester, from down south, to escape domestic violence and to have a fresh start with her three young children. Mum has nobody to support her, as she is new to the area. I met her at our local food bank where she told me that, due to not being able to work, as the children are so young, R only has benefits to live off. This family are literally living from hand to mouth, the children are in desperate need of shoes and coats, and a large food shop would help.
D has three children, aged 17, 16 and 7. They are currently using bin bags to keep their clothes in, as their old wardrobes had to be thrown out as they were broken. D is in financial debt and lives on a low income. The room being untidy is causing arguments between D and his kids- your help to alleviate this cause of tension would be make a huge difference and would be much appreciated.
We are supporting our client with debt advice, as she has built up debts that she cannot afford to repay. A has just come out of hospital after having her leg removed from below the knee, and she has to pay for carers. A only has electric in her flat, but still has a gas meter for which they are charging her a standing charge each month- she has now received a letter from the bailiffs asking for payment. We can write this debt off but the standing charge will continue to be charged each month. Please could you help us pay to have the gas meter removed?
M is a single mum on no recourse to public funds. She recently had twins (a boy and a girl) and sadly lost the little girl. Although M is grateful for her baby boy, she is filled with mixed emotions of celebrating her son as well as mourning her little princess. M is now at home, and since then she has been relying on charities for support. M has fallen behind on her gas and electric top up, needs some food and baby formula vouchers.