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Donate to an urgent need
I could have cried, I felt so overwhelmed. My house no longer feels like a garage. It feels like a nice family home.
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A local church or charity becomes an Acts 435 partner
Partners post urgent needs on behalf of people in their community
Donors read stories of need and give through the Acts 435 platform
Partner contacts person in need and gives the item so desperately needed
Giving to anyone who has a need, all across the UK.
given to people in need
of requests met by donors in full
individuals helped by Acts 435
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The average time for a need to be fully funded is currently 10 days
£200 needed for two carpets
H, a single mother, and her two children are living in a council flat. Mum is on a low income supplemented by benefits, with no other source of income. She has no carpets in her flat, which has resulted in noise disturbances and anti-social behaviour from her neighbour, which involved the police. H is reaching out for assistance to be able to carpet two rooms in her flat, thus resolving the ongoing noise disturbances and creating a peaceful living environment for herself and her children.
£200 needed for vinyl floor fitting
This lady and her two daughters have lived in a one bedroom flat for almost two years. They have now been given a two bedroom flat, however, there is no flooring at the new place and they do not have the means to buy any, as the girls are in college and mum is working part-time. She always pays her bills, even going without in order to do so. We have been able to source the flooring for free, but need help with the cost of fitting. Any help you can give would be much appreciated.
£200 needed for a cooker
The lady has recently moved to the different council property, but the flat is unfurnished and there are no white goods either. K has struggled for over three months without a refrigerator, washing machine and cooker. She had finally managed to get a used fridge and, thanks to the help of St Vincent de Paul, K will get a washing machine. However, further help is needed with the purchase of a cooker and your help will be greatly appreciated.
£200 needed for a fridge freezer
L is a single mother living in rented accommodation currently claiming Universal Credit, Child Benefit and Carers Allowance. She has recently come out of a domestic violence relationship where she was severely abused. L is a full time carer for her dad and she needs to be available for him at all hours. She has moved into a new property with nothing and needs help with a fridge freezer so she can store some food so she doesn't have to go shopping at expensive local stores everyday.
£200 needed for a fridge freezer
We are supporting a mum and her three young children move into a new tenancy for a fresh start after a violent burglary took place in their old home. They lost a lot of items and are short on money to replace everything. Mum has asked whether she could have help with buying a fridge freezer as she can't take the old one with her and the new tenancy does not include white goods.
£200 needed for a washing machine
L is a single parent to a one-year-old child and recently moved into the empty property. She has recently moved into a new property, but it is unfurnished and she doesn't have any furniture of her own. L has a low income which only just covers her daily living expenses, and she has no savings, can't afford to purchase much. A washing machine would mean that she can keep her and her baby's clothes and bedding clean without frequent costly and time-consuming trips to the launderette.
£200 needed for a gas cooker
Safe Families are supporting an 11 year old girl, who has been reunited with her mum following a period of time in foster care. The family are doing well and they have recently moved house; Mum is working really hard to make the house into a home. She would like to be able to cook meals for her daughter but the family are struggling financially. Please could you help this family with some donations towards a cooker as they make a fresh start? Thank you so much.
£200 needed for a fridge freezer
E suffers with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and anxiety and is unable to work. She is in receipt of Universal Credit and is in the process of claiming Personal Independence Payments. She has outstanding rent arrears and is struggling financially. Her existing fridge freezer is not working and is not freezing. She would be able to shop and cook more economically with a working fridge freezer. Please can you help her with this request - she says it would make a massive difference. Thank you.
£185 needed for a washing machine
R lives alone and has not been able to work for over a year due to mental health problems. She suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has frequent panic attacks. She receives Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments and just about manages to cover her general spending, but has little left over for anything else. Her washing machine has broken down and there is no way she can afford to replace it herself. She would really appreciate your help.
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